“What’s true for me isn’t necessarily true for you.” “Truth is relative.”
These are very common concepts in today’s society.
Feb 2002
the data from a pair of nationwide studies conducted by the Barna Research Group of Ventura, California showed that less than one out of three born again Christians adopt the notion of absolute moral truth
Dec 2002
The perspective was even more lopsided among teenagers, 83% of whom said moral truth depends on the circumstances, and only 6% of whom said moral truth is absolute.
I wrote the other day about the WORD, God’s Word. Jesus is the WORD made flesh (John 1:14 and the full expression, the exact representation of God’s nature (Hebrews 1:3). Jesus himself said,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life. (emphasis mine)
The Bible is God’s written WORD. It is TRUTH.
But, in spite of that, George Barna reports that…
Americans still revere the Bible and like to think of themselves as Bible-believing people, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Christians have increasingly been adopting spiritual views that come from Islam, Wicca, secular humanism, the eastern religions and other sources.
Check out these books (and their rankings) from the New York Times Best Seller Hardcover non-fiction list (October 23, 2006)
#10. THE GOD DELUSION, by Richard Dawkins. Houghton Mifflin
#11. LETTER TO A CHRISTIAN NATION, by Sam Harris. Knopf
The author of ''The End of Faith'' responds to Christians' arguments in defense of their beliefs. Ranking last week: 6 Number of weeks on list: 4
#21. THE END OF FAITH, by Sam Harris (Norton) (in paperback non-fiction)
Who is going to stand up for truth? For Christ? For God’s Word?