Friday, January 16, 2004

At the R & R Ranch we are dedicated to serving Christians and non-Christians alike through our music ministry and the church planting/building in Mexico. I've always thought the work was important but it didn't hit home how much until I read the chilling statistics from 2 recent polls by George Barna:

QUESTION ASKED: How many hold a Biblical Worldview?

ASKED TO: 2033 adults across the United States and 601 Senior Pastors across denominational lines

DEFINITION of Biblical Worldview:
* Absolute moral truths exist
* Truth is defined by the Bible
* Jesus lived a sinless life
* God is the all-powerful and all-knowing Creator of the universe and He still rules it today
* Satan is real
* A Christian has a responsibility to share their faith in Christ with other people.
* The Bible is accurate in all of it's teachings

BORN-AGAIN CHRISTIANS: 9% held this Biblical worldview
SENIOR PASTORS: 51% held this Biblical worldview

What are the other 49% of pastor teaching?
Why do the 91% of "born-again" people call themselves "Christians"?

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

This coming Sunday we will be doing a Memorial Service for one of the residents from Casa de Esperanza named Lawrence. Keep his family in prayer as they grieve the loss, but rejoice with Lawrence that he is now with Jesus.