Thursday, September 22, 2005

What a great summer! We were able to help sponsor an every other week outreach in Willcox aimed at the teens of the area. 6 young people accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior as a result. We also helped sponsor a Concert at the Willcox High School with four different Christian Bands. What a blessing. That's really why we started the R & help young people. Now we're doing that plus going into our eighth year of ministry to two local Nursing Homes.

All three of the members of Reflection are pursuing academic degrees right now...all online. Sharon, in Business Management, Bea in Health Information Management and John is seeking his Master's in Biblical Studies. Keep us in prayer!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Teenagers and Seniors...the two largest age groups in the U.S. They will continue to grow in the next few years.

We have worked with the seniors for over 5 years now and John has been a youth pastor for almost 13 years. This year the R & R has taken a more active role in the lives of young people by giving 2 scholarships to teenagers going to Christian colleges. We have also been underwriting the expense of having young Christian musicians come into our area (very rural) and play for the teenagers that John works with. The results have been fantastic as they nurture not only the teens in our area, but provide the musicians that come with opportunities they might not have had. It has also been interesting seeing friendships develop between the two groups which are maintained through the miracle of the internet.

This coming summer a youth group from Atlanta will be coming out to join John's teens in a week-long camp adventure they are calling "Cafe Cochise 2005." They will be spending one day at an orphanage in Mexico in addition to praise & worship, special speakers, service projects in the local community and helping with Vacation Bible school in the evenings. Please keep it in prayer.

The R & R will continue to contribute to the lives of seniors and is our passion and our calling. Thanks for your part in all of this.
In Christ,
The Team @ R & R Ranch